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Showing posts from October, 2018

How to survive snake bite

How To Survive Snake Bite As A Soldier My first advice to you is that  If you're bitten, you need to forget all that stuff you've seen in the movies about sucking out the venom. You'll just end up opening up more capillaries and spread the venom faster, not to mention the risk of getting venom in your mouth.  Likewise, don't try to cut the venom out. The best advice I can give you is to wash the wound, keep the bite below the level of your heart, keep your heart rate low (easier said than done) and get as much fluid into your system as possible. Above all, get to the nearest medical corp member in you squad. In practice, this means that whenever you're in a snake-infested area, you should act like every good soldier should: be prepared and have a solid casevac plan. If you have a bad haemotoxic or neurotoxic snake bite, you need a fast route to a group of medical corp, and a dose of the right antivenom. Remember this, thoug...